Women’s Reentry Students Complete First Term

Kelly Morin, Second Chance Initiative Program Manager
Raleigh, NC
On February 28, my colleagues and I waited alongside Arise Collective staff members for our Women’s Reentry students to arrive. They began walking through the door at 4:30pm, looking shocked as we yelled “Surprise!” from inside the conference room at the Raleigh Campus. We were gathered to celebrate a truly special occasion – the closing of their first term as Campbell Camels.
This group of six women, all of whom were previously incarcerated, have overcome so many obstacles since their release. Their determination and dedication to this program is an inspiration to us all. We [Arise and Campbell staff] took turns congratulating the students on their first big step toward a college degree. Then, we listened as the students spoke about how the program has positively affected their lives and their plans for the future. Finally, we presented the students with certificates and gifts to commemorate the occasion while enjoying refreshments together.
One term down, nine to go.
As Dr. Doris Bullock (Chief Outreach and Education Officer of Arise Collective) would say, “We got this!”