Young Alumni Spotlight: Ashley Elliott

5 questions with Ashley Elliott (’19)
Ashley Elliott (’19) closed her time at Campbell University with a special graduation performance of “I’m Here” from the musical The Color Purple, a fitting tribute to her last four years of college. “I believe I have inside of me everything that I need to live a bountiful life, with all the love alive in me, I’ll stand as tall as the tallest tree,” she sang to the crowd of graduates and friends. Elliot, a comprehensive music major from Dunn, sat down with the Office of Alumni Engagement to answer a few questions about her time at Campbell and her future plans.
- What are your post-graduation plans?
Currently, I am in Greensboro pursuing a master’s degree in music, focusing on vocal performance [at UNC Greensboro]. My long-term plan for my degree is to become a professionally trained performer and to share my gifts with the rest of the world.
- What organizations were you involved with at Campbell University?
During my time at Campbell, I was involved with Spiritual Life and worked in the Campus Ministry House, as well as an active member of the gospel choir. My major in college was comprehensive music – I have been passionate about music ever since I was a little girl.
- How has your education at Campbell University prepared you for your next steps?
Campbell prepared me for my career in the future by instilling confidence in me, as well as allowing me to see the true beauty of music bringing people together. As a performer, the goal is to entertain and to convey your interpretation of the music and the story you want to be told. Campbell has given me so many opportunities for me to not only be creative in how I tell the story, but guiding me in the right direction of where I tell my story. Whether it be at a basketball game, Christmas show, Connections, or at graduation, it is my hope that someone walks away entertained, moved, or changed by what I do.
All the staff in the music department has helped contribute to my wonderful experience at Campbell. They have helped shape me into the musician that I am, and they have nurtured my craft and supported me every step of the way. I would especially like to thank my voice teacher Judith Bruno; I’m eternally grateful for her.
- What is your favorite memory from your time at Campbell?
I think the highlight of my time at Campbell was singing at graduation. It was such an amazing experience and the feeling of having my peers, their families, and my family give me so much support and encouragement was a moment I will never forget and I will cherish forever.
- What is your advice to incoming Campbell students?
Really embrace this place as your home. You will spend the next four years here, develop lifelong friends, grow here and maybe start your life here. Campbell is such a welcoming close-knit family environment, and for me, it was sad to leave. Campbell is a wonderful place to be, so just take it all in and embrace all that comes with it.