Inaugural Judge Robert Farmer Fellows announced Academics Inaugural Judge Robert Farmer Fellows announced Campbell Law School Dean J. Rich Leonard has announced the inaugural recipients of the Judge Robert Farmer Fellowships, which consist… More on this post May 1, 2020
2020 Family Day Award winners announced Campus Life 2020 Family Day Award winners announced The following awards are typically recognized during Campbell Law School’s annual Family Day Banquet. But as you are well aware,… More on this post April 23, 2020
Law Professor Tony Ghiotto shares his thoughts on being voted ‘Professor of the Year’ Encouragement Law Professor Tony Ghiotto shares his thoughts on being voted ‘Professor of the Year’ Following is the speech Professor Tony Ghiotto wrote after Campbell Law students voted him “Professor of the Year” to give… More on this post April 23, 2020
Campbell Law advocates advance to elimination rounds in virtual Vienna Willem Vis Moot Court Competition Academics Campbell Law advocates advance to elimination rounds in virtual Vienna Willem Vis Moot Court Competition You have to get up really early in the morning to catch Campbell Law advocates making their oral arguments. Or… More on this post April 7, 2020
Campbell Law to compete virtually in the 27th Vienna Willem Vis Moot Court Competition on April 3 Academics Campbell Law to compete virtually in the 27th Vienna Willem Vis Moot Court Competition on April 3 Campbell Law’s Willem Vis moot court team is scheduled to tackle the oral rounds of the competition online starting Friday,… More on this post April 1, 2020
Special Episode of Campbell Law Reporter: Learning the law online and adapting to the new ‘normal’ Academics Special Episode of Campbell Law Reporter: Learning the law online and adapting to the new ‘normal’ Campbell Law School students posted a new, special full-length episode of the Campbell Law Reporter (CLR) Podcast on Thursday, March… More on this post March 26, 2020
Campbell Law competitors in 17th Vis East Moot make history Academics Campbell Law competitors in 17th Vis East Moot make history The 17th Vis East Moot is making history by being held virtually from March 22-29, 2020, much like the American… More on this post March 23, 2020
Campbell Law advocates make history by competing virtually in national Client Counseling finals Academics Campbell Law advocates make history by competing virtually in national Client Counseling finals Campbell Law advocates are once again making history: this time by competing for a national championship virtually. Second-year law students… More on this post March 21, 2020
Campbell Law Reporter Episode 12: ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Raleigh, North Carolina’ Academics Campbell Law Reporter Episode 12: ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Raleigh, North Carolina’ Campbell Law School students posted a new full-length episode of the inaugural Campbell Law Reporter (CLR) Podcast on Wednesday, March… More on this post March 18, 2020
Terrence Bagley ’82 sponsors Campbell Law trial advocates at Capital City Challenge Academics Terrence Bagley ’82 sponsors Campbell Law trial advocates at Capital City Challenge Campbell Law Dean J. Rich Leonard has announced Terrence Bagley ’82 of McGuire Woods is financially sponsoring a team of… More on this post March 6, 2020