Meet Doctor of Pharmacy alumna, Jenny Wood, a PGY-2 Internal Medicine resident at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center Spotlights Meet Doctor of Pharmacy alumna, Jenny Wood, a PGY-2 Internal Medicine resident at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center “I chose to pursue a PGY2 in internal medicine because it encompasses all the things that I love about being… More on this post October 31, 2022
Meet dual degree alumna, Megan Taylor, a PGY-2 Critical Care Resident at UNX Rex Hospital Spotlights Meet dual degree alumna, Megan Taylor, a PGY-2 Critical Care Resident at UNX Rex Hospital “Opting to do a PGY-2 provides an entire year dedicated to highly specific training in an area of focus that… More on this post October 31, 2022
Meet Doctor of Pharmacy alumna, Eshita Karnik, a PGY-1 Acute Care resident at Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center Spotlights Meet Doctor of Pharmacy alumna, Eshita Karnik, a PGY-1 Acute Care resident at Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center “Make the best of rotations by asking questions, taking the lead in patient workups, and asking preceptors for different opportunities… More on this post October 31, 2022
DPT student, Chase McKinney, felt well-prepared for roations Spotlights DPT student, Chase McKinney, felt well-prepared for roations Name: Chase McKinney Program: Doctor of Physical Therapy Anticipated graduation year: 2023 Undergraduate Institution: Averett University How are you making a… More on this post October 14, 2022
Dr. Susan Avila Misciagno strives to support minorities and those who have limited access to resources and care Spotlights Dr. Susan Avila Misciagno strives to support minorities and those who have limited access to resources and care In recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 – October 15), we are featuring Hispanic students, faculty, and alumni and their… More on this post October 11, 2022
BSN student, Yazmin Hanid Padilla, hopes to return to Campbell after graduation to mentor and encourage students to always pursue their dreams Academics BSN student, Yazmin Hanid Padilla, hopes to return to Campbell after graduation to mentor and encourage students to always pursue their dreams “I am so humbled that that I am here today working with amazing peers and faculty toward the common goal… More on this post October 5, 2022
Gravitating Towards Hope Spotlights Gravitating Towards Hope September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness for an often stigmatized topic. Sterling Ta’Bon (’18, ’20)… More on this post October 4, 2022
First generation DPT student, Joel Marquez, is grateful for the foundation his family laid and hopes to become a well-rounded provider Spotlights First generation DPT student, Joel Marquez, is grateful for the foundation his family laid and hopes to become a well-rounded provider “My family are immigrants who started a life in the states and have given so much to allow the younger… More on this post September 28, 2022
DPT student, Jackalyn Geraty, moved halfway across the country to attend Campbell Academics DPT student, Jackalyn Geraty, moved halfway across the country to attend Campbell “Having lived in Illinois all my life, and never been to North Carolina until after I had accepted my offer… More on this post August 24, 2022
DPT student, Kaitlin Dillard, chose Campbell for the school’s family environment, education, and focus on rural health Spotlights DPT student, Kaitlin Dillard, chose Campbell for the school’s family environment, education, and focus on rural health “I chose to be a part of CPHS because of the “family” approach of the program as well as the… More on this post August 1, 2022