Long-standing relationship continues to grow and benefit community pharmacists Spotlights Long-standing relationship continues to grow and benefit community pharmacists The College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS) and the Office of Continuing Professional Education has maintained a partnership with… More on this post October 8, 2019
Rebecca H. Crouch uses her PT skills as a volunteer Spotlights Rebecca H. Crouch uses her PT skills as a volunteer Name: Rebecca H. Crouch, PT, DPT, MS, CCS Title: Associate Professor of Physical Therapy What is your role at Campbell?… More on this post October 8, 2019
Campbell Law advocates invited to compete in Summit Cup Mock Trial Championship Academics Campbell Law advocates invited to compete in Summit Cup Mock Trial Championship Campbell Law is once again competing in the Summit Cup Mock Trial Championship this weekend, Oct. 3-5, 2019, in Golden,… More on this post October 4, 2019
Laura Gerstner, PA-C, is incredibly proud to be a PA Spotlights Laura Gerstner, PA-C, is incredibly proud to be a PA Name: Laura Gerstner Title: Director of Clinical Education I’ve never met a PA who didn’t LOVE being a PA. What… More on this post October 4, 2019
Dustin Wilson, PharmD, enjoys answering patient questions about their therapies Spotlights Dustin Wilson, PharmD, enjoys answering patient questions about their therapies Name: Dustin Wilson Title: Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice What is your role at Campbell? I serve as an internal… More on this post October 4, 2019
Michelle Green, DPT, advocates for prevention, wellness and restoring movement Spotlights Michelle Green, DPT, advocates for prevention, wellness and restoring movement Name: Michelle Green Title: Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy It is important to allow the community to see the role… More on this post October 4, 2019
A true friend and neighbor Faith & Service A true friend and neighbor Divinity professor dons red sweater, sneakers for spiritual lesson dedicated to his real-life friend and inspiration, Mr. Rogers Professor Tony… More on this post October 2, 2019
Meeting the Need: Philip Johnson (’99) Incorporates American Sign Language Program Spotlights Meeting the Need: Philip Johnson (’99) Incorporates American Sign Language Program On the day of his graduation from Campbell in 1999, Philip Johnson returned to his room in Small Hall to… More on this post October 2, 2019
Heidi Shearin loves the variety of specialty areas in Physical Therapy Spotlights Heidi Shearin loves the variety of specialty areas in Physical Therapy Name: Heidi Shearin, PT, DPT Title: Director of Clinical Education (DCE) and Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Month provides an opportunity… More on this post October 2, 2019
International student who speaks three languages seeks dual pharmacy degree Spotlights International student who speaks three languages seeks dual pharmacy degree Dual Degree Student: Roobina Didarians Program: Dual Doctor of Pharmacy & Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences Undergraduate Experience: Azad… More on this post September 26, 2019